Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Birthday

This past Saturday I turned 28 years old and for me that's pretty exciting.
I know that each year brings new and exciting adventures.
For instance, as a 27 year old I was married, I got 'Whitey' who was the first car I'd had in 2 years, I wrecked 'Whitey', I started this blog and Emie Jane's Baby Cakes became know, just to name a few.

This year's Birthday celebration began on Friday night at Eez Fusion with some really great friends.
I received the sweetest lil' dress that I can't wait to wear, an amazing cookbook and a certificate for cooking classes.
I told ya', I have great friends!

*Up next...the celebration continues, on a boat! :D

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute. Happy Birthday my sweet and thanks for making me so skinny in this photo!! :) can barely see the burgers, pizza and bread pudding I've been inhaling the past few weeks!
