Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Home Tour Part 1

Months ago when I walked into Hobby Lobby to pick up some baking supplies I was greeted with rows upon rows of Halloween decorations.
I couldn't wait to go back and snag a few items once it was semi-appropriate to start decorating.

I was torn I go over the top with cheesy, yet fun, Halloween decor or do I stick to mostly muted Fall appropriate decor?
I chose the later and when I walk into our home at the end up each work day I instantly feel happy.

I'll save the skeletons and tombstones for the day we have little ones running around.
*Have I mentioned before that I can't wait for that? Because I really can't. :) Ask my hubby? ;)

Here's a few photos from around the crib...

This photo was taken before hubby had hung my beautiful new wreath that my ever so sweet mother bought for me...which is why my pj clad love is holding it, in case you were wondering.

Don't you just adore my little owls purchased at World Market? They make me smile.


  1. So cute :) I love the idea of decorating for Fall.

  2. You are adorable and your home feels so cozy! I have a whole room full of Halloween decor for dinner club and I just don't have the balls to put it out ahead of time! Sad, right? But you're right; it'll all go to good use when our little kiddies enter this world!
