Thursday, February 3, 2011

colder weather.

My sister, she's awesome.
Now her taste in music, questionable at times.
However, on one of our daily talks a few weeks ago she asks me if I've heard Zac Brown Band and Amos Lee's version of Colder Weather.
We'll I've heard the song, I heard it last Spring in fact.
But this version, nope, I sure hadn't.
Last weekend my darling hubby sat quietly working on his computer while I sat mesmerized by the CMT Top 20 Countdown.
Somewhere inside the top 10 this video came on.
I stood up. I swayed. I cried.
I rewound and watched 3 times in a row.
There is no voice like Amos Lee's and when he begins to sing I get the chills.
It's that good.
The lyrics get me every time. Not sure why? As far as I know there isn't any one I love stuck in colder weather, I hope not at least.
And the love of my life, my Mr.P, thank goodness, doesn't have a gypsy soul.
Still, this song touches me.
Have a listen, will you?

See you back here later this evening.


  1. Hahahahaha... Sure don't.

    Great post, Love.

  2. i can see you standing, swaying and crying ... you are the cutest thing ever!
