Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Last Wednesday I rushed home from work to quickly let out my 4 legged son before spending the evening at my hubby's office (a story for another time).
On my way in the house I couldn't help but notice a large cobweb on the corner of our front steps.
Upon closer inspection I saw hundreds, this is no exaggeration, of tiny baby spiders crawling around on this web.
Throughout the remainder of the evening these creepy crawly critters kept creeping into my mind.
I told my hubby later, at his office, that when we went home he needed to bust out the spider spray and take care of business.
As soon as we arrived home we walked out to the front so I could point out these living nightmares.
He sprayed away and eased my fears of hundreds of spiders invading our home.

The next morning when leaving for work I noticed the huge mama spider in the web and apparently dead as well.
I actually felt really sad for the next 5 minutes of my drive to work.
She must have come back to check on her babies only to find they'd met their match and were no longer alive.

Later after arriving home from work I inspected mama spider a little more closely.
Once hubby arrived home from work I informed him that mama spider wasn't looking so dead and jokingly said "I think it's a black widow."
He laughed and headed back outside with his spider spray.
Moments later he returned and exclaimed "I think IT IS a black widow".
A little research online confirmed this.

Scary, right?
This deadly spider who I was feeling sorry for only hours before could have bitten and killed my Tucker.

So that my dear friends, is my story for the day.
I hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Okay... seriously, I could barely get through this post because I was completely freaking out. I hate spiders because I was bitten by so many in my sleep when I was younger. The black widow factor just upped it... yikes!!
