Wednesday, May 12, 2010

a dream.

Every morning on the way to and from work I pass fields with cows, some wtih horses, and a river with ducks that I've made a habit out of counting each day (I'm sad when it's too hot and they are no where to be seen).
I wish these animals were all mine.

In fact I'd love to someday have a modestly sized farmhouse on a big piece of land.
I'd for sure like to have chickens and cows, maybe pigs.
I'd love to spend my mornings gardening and then fill the kitchen with fresh flowers and bake all afternoon while the kiddies and Tucker played in the yard.
I'd want a windowsill large enough for me to cool fresh baked pies.
I'd want a bay window with a bench where I could sit, read and watch for husband to come home from work.
Actually Mr. P would probably have to work from home to take care of the cows and chickens.
Honey, how do you feel about being a farmer? :)

A girl can dream, can't she?

*Photos courtesy of Country Living.


  1. Thats both hilarious and precious. Don't tell Ted. He'll want to send Macy there for good!

  2. Hmmm... not sure about Macy. She stalks me. ; )
