Thursday, May 6, 2010

lunch and taking a stand

It's 12:30 PM, the most anticipated time of the day for me, LUNCHTIME!
I practically skip to the break room, grab my "lunch bag" and skip back to my desk.
As I go to take out my sandwich and chips I'm so disgusted with said lunchbag that I almost loose my apetite. Can we say counterproductive?
Let me paint you a picture...
It's a paper American Eagle bag that I must have received ages ago because that's how long it's been since I've purchased clothing, much less something from American Eagle. I use it almost everyday. I put it in the pantry when I get home from work and I take it out in the morning as I prepare for work.
The bottom of the bag is stained with grease spots from my chips and there may or may not be a tiny piece of turkey or two in the bottom.
It was time to take a stand!
So I turned to Etsy (yep, still addicted!) and ordered this beauty!

Sure to put an extra spring in my skip. ;)


  1. Atta' girl! Freakin' adorable. : ]

  2. i LOVE it! And I just totally realized that I've been missing all these posts. What the!
