Monday, May 10, 2010


Our day started with breakfast at Bobby E's (the hip name for Bob Evan's) and was followed by a semi-successful run at Jetton Park (80 degree heat=hard to breath!).

Afterwards Mr. P and I made our way to Mooresville, NC to visit Carrigan Farms.
When you see houses that have actual yards you know you aren't in the city anymore and I love it. Makes me think of home.
*side note: my parents won 'Yard of the Month' back in Norton, VA! CONGRATS!
We pulled up to Carrigan Farms and there were rows upon rows of strawberries growing and parents with little kids trying to stuff strawberries in their pockets and down their pants. It was bliss!
We walked up to the cart, grabbed a basket and set out on our way.
There were so many beautifully ripe berries begging to be picked that I could have stayed there for hours.

If Mr. P wasn't there to tell me "I think we're good" I just might have.
So we headed home were I spent much of the afternoon baking strawberry breads.

Hubby also surprised me by suggesting we sit on the back porch and enjoy the beautiful day (I say surprised because he typically avoids the heat).
Mr. P read his Popular Science, me my Rachel Ray Magazine and Tucker, well he tormented some poor bumble Bee who was injured to begin with.

Later that evening we headed out with friends to the Ocho de Mayo party benefitting Relay for Life and it was the perfect way to end a perfect day...good friends, Mexican food and an open bar.
I wish every Saturday could be so perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this post screams, HAPPINESS! And, I just couldn't love it more :)
