Monday, May 17, 2010


While trying to upload photos from our trip to Detorit the camera battery died and I didn't even get half way through. Boo!
I couldn't even tell you where the battery charger currently is. All I know is that I stuffed it into some crevice of my suitcase that now lies on the bedroom floor where I plan to give it dirty looks until it decides to unpack itself.

Until then you'll have to use your imagination because let me tell you this, Detroit was wonderful.

Our trip was filled with lots of laughs, late night trivia, the best enchilada dish I've ever eaten courtesy of uncle Rock, coney dogs, pizza, MLB, a trip to the planetarium and the IMAX, mummies, an art festival, cupcakes, the best brunch I may have ever had that consisted of jalapeno pork shoulder, fingerling potatoes and poached eggs (YUM!), black jack at the MGM Casino, jazz, and lots of quality time with new family.

I also had a chance to start Stones into Schools on the flight to and from.
I adore Greg Mortenson and I have the greatest admiration for the work he is doing to build schools, mostly for girls, in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I highly recommend reading this book as well as his first, Three Cups of Tea.

Now if you'll excuse me I have a date with a Samoa Cupcake and chapter 3 of this marvelous read.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, that does sound amazing! I'm glad you had a great trip my lovie. I have a feeling I won't be seeing you until after your big 2-8, BUT we will miss you all dearly!

    Love you Sugar!
